Assisted Communication Systems

Also known as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is any type of communication strategy for people with a range of conditions who have significant difficulties speaking.

There are two main types of AAC – aided AAC and unaided AAC.

Aided AAC is any external item used to aid communication (e.g. object symbols, communication boards, books, key-ring mini-cards, wallets, speech generating device, computer, mobile phone, tablet). Aided AAC includes both high technology systems and low/light technology systems.

Unaided AAC refers to communication techniques that do not require the use of an external aid. That is, the person uses whatever is available to them, generally their own body. Examples of unaided AAC include using eye contact, facial expression, body language, gestures and manual sign.

Speech Pathologists at Horizon can assess and recommend when Alternative Assisted Communication may be indicated and facilitate a range of supporting systems from photo communication books to IPAD systems.